Class default

Contains methods for interacting with Carter.


  • default



apiKey: string
history: CarterInteraction[] = []
logger: Logger = ...
skills: CarterSkill[] = []
speakDefault: boolean = false


  • Returns the average response time for a given number of minutes if given. If not given, the average response time for your the entire history is returned. If there is either no history or no interactions in the given time period, the return value will be undefined.


    • Optional minutes: number

    Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • context: string
    • Optional userId: string

    Returns Promise<{
        error: string;
        success: boolean;

  • Returns the response time of your last interaction with Carter

    Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • text: string
    • Optional userId: string
    • Optional context: string
    • Optional speak: boolean

    Returns Promise<CarterInteraction>

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